Struggling with Essay Writing / CSQ Application?
Help is here! Join us for the ETG A Level Economics ONLINE Booster Program!
✔️ The programme is done FULLY online. Take your own time and pace to complete the Booster programmes.
✔️ Spend 4 days learning Case Study Application Skills & 4 days learning Essay Writing Skills - FULLY ONLINE.
✔️ Opportunity to submit ONE Full Essay Practice and ONE Full CSQ Practice that will be graded with feedback. Option to topup for a consult session.
✔️ This is a crashcourse designed specifically to tackle skills. If you are weak in writing and application - this is the crash course that you NEED to attend.
Crashcourses cannot replace consistent work.
But... You have other A level subjects to juggle. There are a million different Economics questions available for you to attempt. You’re likely to be at a loss and unsure of how to find time to practice, and where to even start.
So if you are looking for crashcourses to save your day - might as well go with the best crafted ones.
Watch a 12 min preview of Lesson 1 for FREE
“Take just EIGHT lessons to brush up your essay-writing & CSQ application skills just in time for your next major exam!”

A Level Economics Boosters
A LEvel Economics CSQ Booster
$180 for 4 modular lessons (U/P:$800)
Upon registration - you will gain access to our FULLY ONLINE CSQ Booster programme.
Materials will be sent out within 7 days.There will be a total of 4 modular lessons of varying length covering the following
Basic exam techniques
Time management
Frameworks for lower order questions
Frameworks for higher order questions
How to use data
Mini-essays in case studies
Challenging data inadequacy
Analysis of 4 x actual A level CSQs
Evaluative comments for CSQs
Using contextual knowledge, theory & data in higher order questions
Common Mistakes
There will also be one FULL CSQ Practice students will submit for grading by our team which will be returned with feedback.
A Level Economics Essay Booster
$180 for 4 modular lessons (U/P:$800)
Upon registration - you will gain access to our FULLY ONLINE CSQ Booster programme.
Materials will be sent out within 7 days.There will be a total of 4 modular lessons of varying length covering the following
Dissecting & breaking down question requirements
Writing introductions
Frameworks for writing essays
Effective paragraphing and topic sentences
Writing conclusions with evaluative comments
Effective evaluations, comments in body paragraphs vs conclusive evaluation
Challenging curveball questions
Selection of Essay questions
Common mistakes
There will also be one FULL Essay Practice students will submit for grading by our team which will be returned with feedback.
Purchase the Essay + CSQ Booster bundle at $200!
(U/P: $360)
Work at your pace
The Booster programmes are FULLY Online. You will retain access to the Boosters all the way till the conclusion of the A Levels. Start, stop, pause, repeat. Your call.
Once payment has been made, we will activate your LMS account within 24 hours. You will gain access to the 4 Essay Booster modules and/or 4 CSQ Booster modules.
Graded Practice
The Booster programme culminates in a Full Essay / Case Study practice.
These practices will be graded* for you and returned to you with feedback. You can always query about these feedback provided via Whatsapp and our tutors will respond to you on it.
Option for Consult
You will be able to top-up $100 for an hour-long consult with our tutoring team to go through queries you have on the Booster programme.
A Crashcourse Materials Booklet comprising of both questions & answers will be mailed out to you within 7 days of registration
The Booster Programmes comprise of both Essay-Writing & CSQ Booster lessons. There will be a total of 8 modules (4 covering CSQ Application & 4 covering Essay Writing). This is a FULLY Online Programme with digital access made available within 3 days on receipt of payment & materials will be sent out within 7 days of payment..
Your access to the Boosters programme on the LMS will be valid till the conclusion of the 2023 A Level Economics examinations
The Essay-Writing programme focuses on the specific skills of incubating a good essay, and students are expected to have fluency in essay-writing and time management by the end of the programme and will specifically cover exam techniques, frameworks, how to write introductions & conclusions, effective paragraphing, effective evaluations , how to select essay questions, handling curveball questions & common mistakes
The Case Study Question application programme focuses on helping students understand the different types of questions that can be tested in a case study question, develop a framework for dealing with different types of questions, analysis of actual A Level questions, handling trends, frameworks to address both lower order & higher order questions and help students develop competencies in addressing all case study questions by the end of the programme.
The Genius Booster programme will focus on skills rather than content. Students who border-line passed their JC1 promotional examinations or feel that they haven’t acquired the necessary skills required should opt to attend this additional programme.
Students have an option to add-on a 1-hour consult session with one of our Teaching Assistants at a discounted rate of $100 (usual rate for a 1h consult is $150)